aka The Fun House / The Cuckoo Clocks of Hell / At the Hour of Our Death.
Director: Roger Watkins / Starring: Roger Watkins, Ken Fisher, Bill Schlageter, Kathy Curtin, Pat Canestro.
Notorious cult horror from director Roger Watkins. When drug dealer Terry (Watkins) is released from prison, he decides to take his revenge on society by creating a series of horrifically violent snuff movies. Recruiting a team of psychotics and sadists to help him work on the films, Terry lures his unsuspecting victims to his ‘studio’, where he films them being subjected to brutal tortures involving branding, amputation and dismemberment.
Banned outright on it’s initial release on UK Home Video ,LHODES pre-dated the so-called torture porn sub-genre by 20 years.The film is not an easy watch but was ground breaking in terms of cinematic taboo breaking with a director who refused to play by the rules and wanted to shock audiences to their very core.This would have packed a major punch back in 1977 with it’s graphic content.Last House On Dead End Street will be receiving the Blu-ray teatment from Vinegar Syndrome in 2014. Available previously on DVD in the UK from the Tartan Extreme label.