Archive for July 14, 2017

Umberto Lenzi’s savage crime drama ALMOST HUMAN available now on SHAMELESS Blu-ray.

Umberto Lenzi’s ALMOST HUMAN is one of the most savage Italian crime movies ever made. Lenzi made 10 Poliziotteschi films during the ’70s and early ’80s and his take on the Italian crime genre was the most violent of all.

Made during a frenetic directing period for Lenzi alternating between Giallo and Poliziotteschi films.He had … Read the rest

Lowell Dean’s WOLFCOP 2: ANOTHER WOLFCOP poster and trailer revealed!

Alcoholic werewolf cop Lou Garou springs into action again when an eccentric businessman with evil intentions seduces Woodhaven’s residents with a new brewery and hockey team in this outrageous horror-comedy sequel.


Starring: Leo Fafard, Amy Matysio, Jonathan Cherry, Laura Abramsen, Yannick Bisson, Jessica Hinkson and Serena Miller.



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