Rynn Jacobs (Jodie Foster) is a smart thirteen-year-old girl who lives in a secluded house that she and her father rent. After a number of locals come calling, they find that Rynn’s father is never around. Suspicions are soon raised and members of the community – including the local police officer (Mort Shuman) and the landlord’s sleazy son (Martin Sheen) – make it their business to pry into Rynn’s affairs. But how far will she go to hide the truth of what she has been up to? Featuring an outstanding performance by a young Jodie Foster, this dark and unsettling film was released the same year as her other critically acclaimed hits Taxi Driver and Bugsy Malone.
SPECIAL FEATURES:High Definition transfer/Audio commentary by DVD Delirium’s Nathaniel Thompson and Tim Greer/Original theatrical trailer.
1976, 92 minutes, 1.85:1, colour, 1080p, 24fps, English HoH subtitles