Set in the near future, the film opens with Ursula Andress notching her penultimate kill in “The Big Hunt”, a reality-TV style game show. The show selects both “Hunter” & “Victim” at random and they then chases one another around the globe: kill your 10th victim and you win Millions! The next victim is the cool Marcello Mastroianni who’s also needs one more kill to hit the jackpot !
The 10th Victim will be Shameless’ first ever Dual Format release, containing both the DVD and the Blu-ray version of the film! Extras include: A stunning limited edition collector’s lenticular sleeve (numbered sleeve (0-3000) / Reversible Sleeve / An exclusive interview with Kim Newman and Paola Petri, wife of the late Elio Petri, the director of the film / English Audio / Italian Audio / Optional English Subtitles.
Certificate: 18
Run Time: 90 mins (approx.)
Year: 1965
Audio: Dolby Stereo – English audio & optional Italian Audio with English Subtitles