A Disparado and Monk3ys Ink Films production, written and directed by Drew Cullingham, produced by Drew Cullingham & Ian Manson, co-produced by James Fisher & Andrew Mackay. Starring Jonnie Hurn, Chloe Farnworth & Dan Burman.
How do you hold onto what you love most as the end of the world is looming ? Drew Cullingham’s The Devil’s Bargain follows married couple Ang (Chloe Farnworth) and Adi (Jonnie Hurn) as they reconcile their differences and cast their past troubles aside for one last coitus – pre- apocalypse.We are not merely drawn into Ang and Adi’s world but dragged in by the throat to witness and take part in their last moments of passion before the world explodes.However, this being a horror film there is more afoot.The dizzying camera technique’s used, including pin-hole exposure and extreme close-ups, makes us feel a far more sinister force will soon be invading and taking over the proceedings.
The Devil’s Bargain comes highly recommended. It mixes nudity, horror and post apocalyptic genre themes in a way that has not been seen before.
Unseen. Uncertified. Unmissable. Drew Cullingham (UMBRAGE: THE FIRST VAMPIRE, BLACK SMOKE RISING) directs a savage, psychological portrait of love, lust and the end of the world, which will be available to watch for just £3.99 from Mon Jan 17, 2014, via : http://distrify.com/films/7680-the-devil-s-bargain http://www.thedevilsbargain.co.uk & https://www.facebook.com/TheDevilsBargain
It’s 1974 and Earth is about to be obliterated by a massive asteroid. Adi (Jonnie Hurn) and his young wife Ange (Chloe Farnworth), haunted by memories of the death of their son, journey to the idyllic rural setting where he was conceived, determined to shed clothes, inhibitions and psychological traumas before the planet is destroyed forever. But the arrival of Luca (Dan Burman), a charismatic and mysterious young photographer, turns what’s left of their world upside-down and the horror to come is of biblical proportions.Cullingham told us: “It was made on a shoestring budget in twenty-four hours over four days, using an experimental ‘pinhole’ technique to give it a unique look. Containing copious amounts of full frontal nudity, the mantra for this film has been: No money. No clothes. No fear”.