Bad Vibes is a werewolf tale set in the psychedelic rock music scene of the late ‘60’s, where Sunrise Majesty is at the top of the charts with their message of ‘free love’ for all. But after an encounter with a strange groupie, bandleader and mastermind Max Cassidy is left with a gift that can’t be cured with a shot of penicillin. Max has been touched with the curse of the werewolf, transforming him into a dark and brooding nihilist whose new sound is almost as disturbing as his new plan: to hold a huge love-in at the band’s ranch where he and the group will infect all their fans, unless Cynthia, Max’s girlfriend and the last untouched member of the band, can stop them.Soundtrack by Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti. Think The Werewolf Of Washington meets Psych-Out!